Saturday, 31 January 2009
Circle card!

Friday, 30 January 2009
Friday sketchers

Award! :)

Limited supplies challenge


Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Monday, 26 January 2009
Sketch saturday

Tonight I made a card for the sketch saturday blog. As my base I used a darkblue linnen structure card. I used a stamp from Eline Pellinkhof on my card. I colored the little boy with derwent pencils and oms. On his cheeks I added some dots with a white gelpen and I colored his eyes extra with a black glaze pen. The image was cut with a rectangle nestabilitie. I added a bigger red rectangle. The little ships are from the same stamp set. I cut them with circle nestabilities. I added a bigger red circle. I doodled a bit on it with a white gelpen. I made the sentiment ont the computer. I also made red-white striped background paper with my computer. I attached a white satin ribbon on top of it.

Omdat je natuurlijk niet zomaar in een donkerblauwe kaart kunt schrijven, heb ik de binnenkant van de kaart ook versierd. Ik heb met nestabilities een grote rechthoek gesneden uit wit papier. Aan de onderkant heb ik nog een randje van het rood-wit gestreepte papier geplakt. Ik heb nog een bootje gestempeld en die in de hoek geplakt.
Because you can't write very easy in a dark blue card, I decided to decorate the inside of my card as well. I cut a large square with my nestabilities. I added a little strip of the red-white striped pattern. I stamped another ship and added it in the corner.
IMAGE: EC0084 from Eline Pellinkhof. CS: Darkblue linnen structure cs. Ink: Versafine onyx black. ACCESSORIES: Derwent pencils, black glaze pen, white gelpen, white satin ribbon, nestabilities.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Christine's roses

Last week Christine Dark opened her own webstore with digital stamps. Christine can draw very well, so I am happy with her new shop! There aren't a lot images yet, but the ones that are there are perfect! A couple of flowerstamps that first were available at Spiral whisper, can now also bought as digital stamps. I really liked them as stamps ( flowers, daisy bunch and flowers), but I am also very happy with these digital stamps, because you change change them into the perfect size for every card you make. For my first card with a digital stamp from Christine I have chosen the image Rosebuds.

Saturday, 24 January 2009
Penny Black: Frame it!

I love you this much!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Monday, 19 January 2009
I have had big problems with my dear friend the computer, but today I finally got it back from with a new motherboard (the second one in two weeks:( ). So I want to say sorry for being mia the last few days. I will be back soon with new creations!
Thursday, 15 January 2009

Dit kaartje heb ik gemaakt met bloemenstempels van Hero arts. Ik heb de bloemen op de kaart gestempeld en daarna ingekleurd met derwent potloden en geurloze terpentine. Daarna heb ik van stevig papier een mal gemaakt zodat ik de drie rechthoeken op de kaart kon embossen. De mal is net zo groot als de kaart, dus het werkt heel handig. Je legt je mal op de kaart en embossen maar en alles zit op precies de goede plek!
This card was made with flowerstamps from Hero arts. I stamped the flowers on my card and colored them with derwent pencils and OMS. Then I made an embossingtemplate from pretty thick cardstock, so I could dry embos the three rectangles. My template has the same size as my front of the card, so it works really well. You just put the front of your card on the template and start embossing and then everything is in exactly the right place!

IMAGE: Pocketful o'posies - Country garden posies from Hero arts. CS: White cardstock. Ink: Versafine inyx black. ACCESSORIES: Derwent pencils, OMS, thick cardstock fro template.

This is a simple sympathy card that I made a few days ago. I printed the sentiment on a white card. I stamped the image from Rhonna Farrer on the same paper. I cut and embossed the image with nestabilities. I added a dark red rectangle under the image.
IMAGE: Flower trio from Rhonna Farrer at Autumn leaves. CS: White cardstock, dark red paper. Ink: Sirius multipad popular.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Mojo monday 68

Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Condoleance kaart

Monday, 12 January 2009
Don't break my heart!

Yesterday I made a card for the limited supplies challenge on SCS, This weeks theme is: Don't break my heart. For your card you had to use as many hearts as possible. For my card I used an old magnolia stamp. I colored Tilda with derwent pencils and OMS. I colored her eyes extra with a black glaze pen. I added some glitter on her wings and the big heart with a clear spica glitter pen. With a white gelpen I colored some dots on her cheeks. As a base I used a white card and I printed a red heart background on it. For the red rectangle I used the swiss dots embossingfolder and that's where I broke the challenge rules. :) If you were going to use an embossingfolder, it had to be one with hearts on it, but I don't have any, so I hope this is ok. ;) On a piece of white paper I printed the sentiment and I cut it with a tag from the tiny tags from cuttlebug. I used some punched hearts on my tag. Finally I added some black and white ribbon.
Sunday, 11 January 2009

Saturday, 10 January 2009
The pink and brown-virgin

Friday, 9 January 2009

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Here is another sympathy card which I have been making the last days. For my card I used the fantasy stamp fom Penny Black. I stamped the tree half on an ecru card with versamark ink. Then I used gold embossing powder. I printed the sentiment on the card.
IMAGE: Fantasy from Penny Black. CS: Ecru papicolor paper. ACCESSORIES: Versamark ink, goud stempelpoeder from Avec.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Condoleance kaart

Sunday, 4 January 2009
Limited supplies

Saturday, 3 January 2009
Nieuwjaarsrolletjes - New years rolls

- 200 gram suiker
- 0,25 liter water
- 200 gram patent bloem
- 2 eieren
- 100 gram gesmolten roomboter
- 1/2 tot 1 theelepel kaneel of anijszaadpoeder (Ik gebruik zelf de anijs)
Je moet het beslag meteen verwerken. Zet je wafelijzer aan ( niet te heet) en doe een lepel beslag op je wafelijzer. Als je "pannenkoekje" goed bruin is, haal je hem van het ijzer af en rol je hem om een houten stokje tot een rolletje. Even goed vasthouden zodat hij niet weer uitrolt en dan kan je het stokje verwijderen. Je "pannenkoekje" is dan hard geworden.
Het is erg lekker om ze met slagroom te vullen als je ze gaat eten.
New years rolls
- 200 gram sugar
- 0,25 litre water
- 200 gram patent flour
- 2 eggs
- 100 gram butter (melted)
- ½ or 1 teaspoon cinnamon or aniseed ( I have used aniseed)
You must use this batter immediately.
Turn your waffle iron on (not too hot). Put some batter on the waffle iron, when it is really brown, take the “pancake” from the waffle iron and roll it round a wooden stick. After a few seconds you can pull the stick out and the roll will get hard.
It is really nice to fill them with whipped cream when you are going to eat them.
Penny Black challenge 30- Embossing

Thursday, 1 January 2009
Gelukkig nieuwjaar! - Happy new year!